5 min read · Mar 11, 2023
Do you find yourself having nightmares on a regular basis? You’re not alone. It is estimated that up to 7% of Americans struggle with frequent nightmares causing them to toss and turn in their sleep, leaving them feeling exhausted and anxious the next day. While it can be difficult to cope with nightmares, there are strategies available that can help reduce their frequency and intensity. In this post, we’ll explore various ways for adults dealing with nightmares to take control over their dreams and get a better night’s rest.
A nightmare is an intense, often terrifying dream that can cause the sleeper to wake up feeling alarmed and distressed. Nightmares are usually associated with negative emotions such as fear, anger, and sadness. Although nightmares can be caused by a variety of factors including stress, physical illness, trauma or substance abuse, they are most commonly caused by unresolved issues in the past.
“You learned to run from what you feel, and that’s why you have nightmares. To deny is to invite madness. To accept is to control.”
― Megan Chance
The word ‘nightmare’ comes from folklore and has a long and varied cultural history. It is often used to describe a frightening dream or experience, but its original meaning was much broader. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that nightmares were caused by an evil spirit known as “Mare” who would sit on the chest of someone while they slept, causing them distress and fear. This belief gave rise to the term “nightmare” which became synonymous with any kind of bad dream or terrifying experience.
Today, we still use the term in reference to dreams that cause us fear and anxiety — even though we no longer believe in evil spirits lurking around our beds at night! The concept of nightmare is also widely used in literature, film and other media where it evokes feelings of dread and terror in viewers. Regardless of how it is defined culturally, one thing remains certain: nightmares are never pleasant experiences!
Nowadays, we use the term ‘nightmare’ to describe dreams that make us feel scared, angry or sad. These kinds of bad dreams can happen if we are feeling stressed, have an illness, or had a tough experience in life.
Nightmares and night terrors are two different sleep disturbances that can occur in both adults and children. While they may seem similar, there are distinct differences between the two. Nightmares typically occur during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, often resulting in vivid dreams that cause fear or anxiety.
Night terrors, on the other hand, typically happen during non-REM sleep, with an individual experiencing a feeling of panic or terror while still asleep. Unlike nightmares which involve conscious dreaming, night terrors do not have any dream-like content associated with them; instead they consist of intense emotions such as fear or confusion without any awareness of what is happening.
Sleep cycles in adults involve going through different stages of sleep. These stages are light sleep, deep sleep, and REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. During light sleep, your body and mind relax and you drift between being awake and asleep. During deep sleep, your breathing slows down as your body repairs itself from the day’s activities. Lastly, during REM sleep you dream, and this is when most nightmares occur.
Nightmares usually happen during the deeper stages of sleep in adults. They might feel scared, angry or sad when they wake up from a nightmare. Nightmares are a common occurrence during sleep. They can occur at any time during the night, but they are most likely to happen in the early morning hours when REM (rapid eye movement) sleep is most intense.
Nightmares occurring at the beginning of a sleep cycle can be an indication of underlying psychological or emotional issues. Such nightmares are often associated with feelings of fear, anxiety, and depression. Nightmares that appear early in the night may indicate unresolved conflicts from daily life or past trauma that is manifesting itself in your dreams.
They may also be a sign of stress caused by recent events such as changes to your normal routine or lifestyle, financial worries, relationship difficulties, or any other kind of upheaval. If you experience these types of nightmares frequently it’s important to seek professional help so you can learn how to manage them better and ultimately reduce their impact on your quality of life.
Nightmares often involve frightening or unpleasant images and emotions that cause fear or distress. In some cases, nightmares may also be accompanied by physical sensations such as sweating and increased heart rate. For some people, these experiences can be so vivid and realistic that they wake up feeling shaken or frightened. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of having nightmares while sleeping.
While it’s impossible to completely eliminate nightmares, there are several ways to try and reduce them:
- Practice relaxation techniques throughout the day including deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery.
- Reduce stress by engaging in activities such as yoga, meditation or tai chi.
- Keep a dream journal and record your dreams as soon as you wake up. This can help identify patterns or anxieties that might be causing the nightmares. Grab your free dream journal template with three sizes to choose from: A4 — A5 — Letter
Dream Journal Letter 8.5×11 Dream Journal A5 (5.83 × 8.27 in) Dream Journal A4 (8.27 × 11.69 in)
- Speak to a therapist or sleep specialist if you feel that unresolved issues in your life may be contributing to your nightmares.
- Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine, as these can disrupt your sleep cycle and increase the frequency of nightmares.
By following these steps and understanding your sleep cycle, you can begin to take control of your nightmares. Remember that while it is normal to feel scared or anxious after a nightmare, taking control of your emotions and experiences during the day can help you get better sleep and eventually lead to calmer nights. With the right steps, you’ll soon be able to enjoy peaceful sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.
Do you suffer from reoccurring nightmares? What tips can you share for reducing the impact of nightmares on your life?
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Originally published at http://letinspireyou.com on March 11, 2023.